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The 2024 Agenda is Coming Soon! Until then, see what was in store for 2023 below. 

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Registration & Welcome Breakfast
Welcome Breakfast
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Opening Remarks
Session I: Metallurgical Coal, Coke and Steel Market Dynamics and Global Expectations
< Session Description >
This session will feature presentations from leading industry experts share insights on the metallurgical coal, coke and steel industry market trends and global market outlook and the impact of current events.
Keynote: ArcelorMittal Decarbonization Roadmap
ArcelorMittal is a global leader in steel production and mining, with operations in 60 countries. In 2022, we produced 59Mtons of steel and 45.3Mtons of Iron ore. ArcelorMittal produces a wide range of steel products for various sectors, such as automotive, construction, energy, and packaging. The company is committed to reducing its environmental impact and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 through its Decarbonization Roadmap. ArcelorMittal Decarbonization Roadmap outlines three main pathways: the Innovative DRI, the Smart Carbon Blast Furnace (with elements of circular economy and biomass) and Iron Ore Electrolysis. The roadmap sets interim targets for 2030: reducing CO2 emissions intensity by 25% for the group and by 35% for the European operations. The roadmap is based on various enabling technical and regulatory developments, such as the availability and cost of green hydrogen, the development of carbon capture and storage infrastructure, and the level of climate ambition in different regions. ArcelorMittal understands that its roadmap will be subject to regular updates and changes as new technologies and policies emerge. The roadmap demonstrates ArcelorMittal’s commitment to leading the efforts to decarbonize the steelmaking process and to be part of the solution to the global climate challenge.
Anderson Morelato | Head of Technology Strategy and Decarbonization, ArcelorMittal
Risun Group’s Review on the Coal and Coke Market of China
  • China’s Coal and Coke Market Overview
  • Risun Indonesia Project

Lewis Yang | Chairman of Marketing, Risun Group China
Prospects for China's Coking Coal in 2024
In 2024, China's raw coal production will continue to grow, import tariffs may restart, and the decline in real estate is difficult to change. However, the infrastructure and manufacturing industries will support the demand for steel. In this situation, where will coal prices go?
The Metallurgical Coal Market as We Move Towards Green Steel
2023 has been characterized by weak steel demand, and question marks around supply. Are coking coal prices above $200/t the new norm? Where will prices go from here? Is there adequate availability of prime-hard coking coal going forward? And what can the US do to maximize its supply output. But alongside current market questions looms a larger, industry defining one: where are we going in terms of green steel. The US already has arguably the greenest steel sector on the planet. And in many ways the future is already here, with US steelmakers having already started efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, and buyers seemingly happy to pay more for greener steel. What is the US role in the green steel future? And how will the US experience compare to that of Europe or the Asia-Pacific region?
John Lowell | Senior Analyst II and North America Met Coal Lead, Coal, Metals & Mining, McCloskey by OPIS, a Dow Jones Company
Networking Break
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Blackhawk Mining
Outlook for North American Metallurgical Coal Markets
  • Domestic demand for met coke and coal and the impact of “green steel”
  • Met coal exports to overseas markets and the pivot to Asia
  • US met coal supply and expansion plans
  • Financial situation for met coal production and investment
  • US met coal supply – demand balance

Seth Schwartz | Managing Director, Energy Ventures Analysis
Update on Growth of EAF vs BF/BOF Steel Production; Impact on Met Coke Demand; Research on Novel Ironmaking/Steelmaking Processes
  • Global overview of EAF vs BF/BOF Steel Production
  • NAFTA (USA, Canada, Mexico) Growth of EAF vs BF/BOF Steel Production
  • EU Future Growth of DRI/EAF Steel Production to Reduce CO2 Emissions
  • Prospect for CO2 Reduction with BF/BOF Route
  • Metallics (DRI, pig iron) for EAF Production): role for NAFTA BF Sector
  • Implications for Future Met Coke Demand
  • Research on Novel Ironmaking/Steelmaking Processes
The above challenges will be discussed with emphasis on the NAFTA region but also on a global basis.
Dr. Joseph J Poveromo | President, Raw Materials & Ironmaking Global Consulting
Speaker Question & Answer
Networking Lunch
Session II: Challenges and Solutions
< Session Description >
From supply concerns to export bans and the push for lower emissions this session will cover the range of challenges facing the coal coke and steel industrie.
Principal Federal Environmental Rules and Rulemakings Facing the U.S. Coke Industry in 2023
In the early 1990s, U.S. coke producers played a key role in negotiations on Capitol Hill and, subsequently, with EPA, environmentalists and other stakeholders that led to the widely heralded Coke Oven National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) promulgated by EPA in 1993 under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA).  This presentation will focus on the principal Clean Air Act and other Federal environmental rules and rulemakings that U.S. coke producers are facing in 2023 and beyond, including one rulemaking arising now out of the 1993 Coke Oven NESHAPs, and the proactive steps the industry is taking to address them.
David C. Ailor, P.E. | President, American Coke and Coal Chemicals Institute
CSX’s Perspective on The Future of Coal Exports and The Current Landscape of Export Coal – Challenges , Logistics
Pennsylvania Anthracite – New Interest – Promising Future
Anthracite is a rare form of coal, representing only about 1% of all global coal reserves.  High-Grade Anthracite is even more rare, and is currently produced in only a few regions of the globe, including Pennsylvania.  The High Fixed Carbon, and low Sulfur, Nitrogen and Phosphorous of this material make it ideal for EAF steel production and other industrial applications.
Over the past few years, global events and the drive for environmental efficiency in steelmaking have driven increasing interest in anthracite as a primary source of carbon. The unique physical structure and chemical properties of anthracite have also made it an interesting subject of research into the production of specialty carbon products.
We will discuss the impact of these factors on the current interest in anthracite with particular emphasis on Pennsylvania anthracite, providing thoughts on how sustainable the current demand drivers will be and their longer term impacts on domestic production.

J. Greg Driscoll | Chairman , Blaschak Anthracite Corporation
Multifunctional Catalyst for Coke manufacturing
Coke is a primary raw material used in the manufacture of Steel. Coking Coal of various grades and types are used for manufacture of metallurgical Coke. Due to increasing cost of Coking Coal the world over, modern technologies that can add value in reducing cost of manufacture of Coke, gain importance. “THERMACT-Mt” a multifunctional catalyst for Coking Coal developed in association with IIT Bombay, and is used by many Coke manufacturing units. It contains specially formulated catalysts which aid the process of manufacture of Coke. It is totally non-hazardous and environmentally friendly and safe to use. The catalyst reduces the Activation energy required for various reactions that take place in Carbonization process thus accelerating the rate of these reactions. THERMACT-Mt can be used in both Non-Recovery Stamp charge and Recovery Stamp charge type process of Coke making.
Ganesh Samant | Chairman & Managing Director, Abhitech Energycon Limited
Speaker Question & Answer
Networking Reception
Networking Reception
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Xcoal Energy & Resources
Registration & Networking Breakfast
Networking Breakfast
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DMT Group
Opening Remarks
Session III: The Path to Green Decarbonization Pressures and Feasibility
Raw Material in Green Steelmaking – Challenges and Opportunities
Consumers of steel in many industries are seeking ways of reducing their carbon footprint. This has increasingly involved taking a closer look at how their steel is made, which directly correlates with the raw materials used in the steelmaking process. This presentation will look at how regulatory and industry targets can best be achieved, as well as the costs involved in changing the steelmaking process and the impacts to related industries as the evolution toward greener steelmaking continues.
Greg Holt | Senior Editor, Ferrous Metals, S&P Global
Inland Waterways Infrastructure and the Future
This presentation will address the modernization efforts that are currently ongoing, and take a look at the future for the inland waterways transportation system.
Jen Armstrong | Director of Government Relations, Waterways Council, Inc.
Networking Break
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Three Rivers Marine & Rail Terminals, LLC
Iron and Steel Decarbonisation Pathway and the role of raw materials in greening steel.
Wood Mackenzie will provide our views on demand and supply for steel, iron ore, and met coal under base case and net zero scenarios. The coverage will be global, with a light touch-up on regional nuances.
Isha Chaudhary | Global Head of Steel, Raw Materials & Alloys Markets, Wood Mackenzie
Panel: Addressing Current Challenges - Supply Side Responses to Changing Landscape - Future of North American Coke Supply and Demand
Networking Lunch
Session IV: Steel and Ironmaking Current and Future Outlook
Recent Development of Ironmaking and Cokemaking Technology in Japan
Recently, Japanese ironmaking and cokemaking industry have faced a lot of problems such as social demand for CO2 reduction, price increase and quality deterioration of ore and coking coal and coke oven aging.To meet these problems, Japan has developed various technologies in some national projects, such as the COURSE50, Ferro Coke and SCOPE21. In this presentation, these progresses of ironmaking and cokemaking technologies in Japan are reviewed.
Dr. Yukihiro Kubota | Chief Manager, Coal & Coke Research Department, Nippon Steel Corporation
Conference Concludes