Interview: with Peter Hoppesteyn

Ahead of Eurocoke Summit 2023, we spoke to Peter Hoppesteyn, Programme Lead Operational Sustainability at Tata Steel to get exclusive insights into his thoughts on how the industry is changing. 

Q. Could you please share with us an overview of what your presentation – ‘Tata steel Nederland; towards clean, green and circular steel industry’ will cover? 

The presentation will cover the plans for the transition of Tata Steel Nederland from a coal based integrated steel plant towards a hydrogen based integrated steel plant, eliminating the use of coal and coke.

Q. What do you see as the key challenges for the industry in 2023/2024? 

Key challenges are the uncertainties on global market as a result of the Russian invasion and the growing resistance of using coal

Q. What would be the top three market trends in the Coke and Coal?

Top three market trends are carbon footprint reduction of steelmaking, environmental performance improvement of cokemaking and reduction of coal use for electricity production

Q. What are you looking forward to at this year's Eurocoke Summit? 

I am looking forward to meeting the coal & coke making community and to be updated on their developments

Q. Why do you feel it is important for people to attend the Eurocoke Summit this year? 

To learn about the developments in the industry and to discuss these with everyone so that we can all improve our performance.